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Finding virtual functions through a vtable

One of the easiest ways to identify a bunch of functions, for most classes that are both on the client and server, is through a "vftable / vtable" (virtual function table). For a vtable to be present in the class, the class must use virtual functions.

In the last guide we identified the constructor for the Item class, we can use this to easily find the vtable on the client. In a constructor, the first parameter passed in the constructor is a pointer to this, in the parameters for Item::Item the this parameter is a1: Item *__fastcall Item::Item(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2, __int16 a3).

For classes which inherit from only one or no classes, the vtable address will be stored at an offset of 0 from the this ptr. So to find the vtable for the class we can look for the line *a1 = &off_1453C9B70;.

bds xrefs for atlas.items

If we also open the vtable on the server, we can directly copy the order of the functions directly from bds onto the client. In red, the index of the functions has been labeled, typically in a vtable at index 0 you will have the destructor for the class, which is then followed by the rest of the virtual functions for the class.

vfuncs on bds

So for example: if we wanted to find the Item::initServer function on the client, we could look at where it is in the bds vtable (at index 1), and name the function at the same location on the client.

labeling a vfunc