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Building Amethyst

This guide will help you setup Amethyst locally. There are a few pre-requisites here to getting started.

  • The first thing you will need to setup is Visual Studio, download the latest release as well as the Desktop Development with C++ workload under the modify window.

  • Secondly you will need to setup an assembly compiler called NASM, download the latest stable release. You will need to manually add NASM to your path environment variables. The default install directory is at C:\Program Files\NASM.

Cloning and Building

In a directory of your choice run the git command to locally clone the Amethyst repo:

git clone

Next, you will need to make an environment variable that points to this source directory called amethyst_src. This will allow for any locally built mods to directly access the source files of AmethystAPI.

Now to build AmethystRuntime, open the CMake-gui (This should have been installed with the c++ workload with visual studio earlier). In the first field enter the path to the Amethyst directory, and then in the second field that same path with /build appended to the end.

From here, hit the three buttons at the bottom of cmake-gui from left-to-right, leaving all of the default options. Now you will have a .sln of AmethystRuntime, finally just hit Ctrl + Shift + B to build the project.